Zoniq Blog

Stay updated with the latest news about Zoniq, and read insightful articles about the EV charging industry.

Product Updates
Mobilyze’s Product Update for March
We are bringing you the Product update for the past month. In March alone, we evaluated over 2,600 locations for our clients! Our clients are hungry for new leads and want to place new chargers in increasingly competitive markets. We ran detailed analyses for them so they could focus on the suitable locations and get their investments' worth.
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Product Updates
New interface, Projections in alpha, and much more from Zoniq - August product update
Zoniq Projectionsᴬᴸᴾᴴᴬ are almost here, Market Intelligenceᴮᴱᵀᴬ is live, and we've made a bunch of UI & UX improvements for a smoother, better experience. Check it out!
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