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Zoniq Use Cases

Zoniq helps you make smarter choices about where to place and upgrade EV charging stations with ease. From evaluating and scouting optimal locations to harnessing business intelligence for station upgrades and digging deep into market reports, we've got the tools to boost your network's performance and profitability.

Location Evaluations

Are you in a tender or did a partner approach and you need to evaluate dozens of locations? Hundreds? Or even thousands?

Understanding the revenue potential of locations has never been easier. You just tell us the coordinates, and we will tell you what to expect out of each of the locations - including why! Zoniq can also help you select the optimal station configuration by comparing predicted revenue potential for different charging powers and connector counts.

Location Scouting

Do you need to narrow down your search for locations from the whole country or a region to specific areas?

Don’t miss a spot when searching for new locations. Let the data do that job for you. Whether it's across an entire country or within a specific region, Zoniq simplifies this complex process, allowing you to pinpoint key areas in just minutes.

Business intelligence

Do you know which stations you should upgrade to boost your revenue?

We do. Let us crunch the data for you with our advanced BI capabilities, while you focus on your core business. We will create a simple-to-understand dashboard that will help you get actionable insights to help you boost the revenue of your EV charging network.

Market intelligence

Want to refine your strategy and gain a competitive edge in your market?

Understand the ins and outs of your market. We work with extensive data sets covering whole markets. Compare how you are faring and explore the differences in the performance of your stations with that of your competitors. Achieve the best differentiation or get inspired by patterns that work best in your market.

What our clients say about Zoniq

"Zoniq added tremendous value by providing relevant and accurate mobility databases across our main markets in Europe. We have maintained a lean team and decreased our time to market with our internal location intelligence product significantly"

Yannick Schuermans

@Fastned | Director, Operations & Analytics

"Our partnership has been important in helping shape our expansion strategy. Their reliable data and insights are important for our decision-making process, helping guide us on which locations to develop or upgrade. They've become a valuable asset in planning our network's growth."

Włodzimierz Walkusz

@GreenWay | Network Development Planning Manager

"Zoniq provides high quality databases, such as traffic counts, which bring a lot of value to our geolocation project. It saves time and drives our choices in a more succesful and effective way."

Leticia Bala

@Atlante | Site Development Specialist

Frequently asked questions

How accurate and reliable is the data provided for choosing charge point locations?

Our data undergoes rigorous analysis and validation processes to ensure accuracy and reliability, empowering companies with trustworthy information for strategic planning.

How does your service assist companies in determining optimal locations for building charge points for electric vehicles?

Our service utilizes extensive data analysis to identify suitable locations based on factors such as traffic patterns, population density, infrastructure availability, and demographic information.

What types of data do you provide to help companies decide on charge point locations?

We offer comprehensive data sets, including traffic flow, consumer behavior, existing charging infrastructure, urban planning information, and more to aid in strategic decision-making.

Can your data help in assessing the demand for charge points in specific areas or regions?

Yes, our data analysis can provide insights into the demand for electric vehicle charging infrastructure in different locations, allowing companies to gauge potential market opportunities.

Do you offer predictive modeling or forecasting for future electric vehicle adoption to guide charge point placement decisions?

Absolutely, our predictive models leverage historical data and trends to forecast future electric vehicle adoption rates, aiding companies in making informed decisions for future-proof infrastructure.

What types of charge points does Zoniq cover?

Our models can predict utilization for all types of EV charging connectors: AC, DC, and HPC.

Still have a question?

Send us your question, and we will make sure to reply as soon as possible!

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Maximize the revenue from your EV charging points with Zoniq.

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